
Double Ground Hardwood


Your Destination for

Double Ground Hardwood Mulch by the Yard Near Me in Sophia NC

Hardwood mulch is one of the most popular blends on the market and has a strong customer base for a multitude of reasons. However, how do you know if it’s right for your specific garden or landscape? While it’s true that every type of mulch is going to serve a purpose, certain blends are better suited for specific projects or scenarios. It’s not always easy to decipher which blend is the best for your space, especially as a novice. Thankfully, our team at Hollingsworth Landscaping Supply can walk you through the benefits of hardwood, before narrowing it down even further to specific types.  

Double Ground Hardwood is a general umbrella term for a multitude of hardwood blends. However, within its categorization, hardwood blends come in black, brown, original, etc. A lot of the differences in blends boil down to color. That will usually have a bearing on what hardwood blend a customer chooses. Regardless of what blend you opt for Hollingsworth Landscape Supply has by the yard offerings of this coveted type of organic mulch. 

The Different Types of Double Hardwood Mulch

Generally speaking, when we categorize trees, we do so in two ways, hardwood, and softwood. As the name suggests, a hardwood blend will tend to be sturdier than its counterparts. Hardwood is typically sourced from deciduous trees, the type of tree that loses its leaves during the yearly cycle. The actual mulch of hardwood is sourced from the bark and inner wood fiber layers of hardwood trees. If you’re seeking double hardwood mulch near me in Thomasville NC, you’ve come to the right place. Hollingsworth offers a premium selection of this coveted material.

Blends of hardwood are typically comprised of multiple tree types. Nevertheless, there are blends that feature 100% of a certain tree species like cedar and cypress. Harwood chips can also take on a variety of different colors, perfect for finding and establishing an ideal color match. 

Brown Mulch: Brown varieties of hardwood mulch often take on a dignified, natural appearance. Given their organic nature, they do particularly well in spaces where certain plant life is present. For those favoring a more natural hue, brown is ideal.

Black Mulch: Visually striking, black mulch is clean and uniform. Typically, those who choose a black blend do so because of its appearance. Black mulches can retain a vibrant color for up to a year. Red is yet another popular hue for those wanting a very specific look in their landscapes. 

Original Double Hardwood: Depending on the type of blend, an original will typically favor a more neutral color.

Before moving on to discuss the benefits of hardwood mulch, it’s important to make a distinction between a regular hardwood and one that is double ground. Generally speaking, mulch that is double ground will take on a smoother and finer texture. Triple ground? Even more so. A double ground tends to lay smoother than a regular ground, and visually speaking, is more palatable to most. With that said, you can ask more about the differences between grounds with our experts in-store, or over the phone. 

All About the Double Ground Hardwood Mulch and Premium                                                                                                                                                           Landscape Materials Near Me in Asheboro NC

There are so many types of mulch available that trying to differentiate between all of them can be really quite difficult.  Especially for landscaping novices who don’t know the benefits and drawbacks of certain materials. Fortunately, at Hollingsworth Landscape Supply, we have a solid head-start due to experience, giving us a built-in encyclopedia to reference, when it comes to the features of each material. 

  • Enrichment: Organic mulches have long been beloved by gardeners and landscapers because they have a dual purpose that includes conditioning the ground where they’re positioned. As these nutrients seep into the ground below, they create a fertile location for future growth to thrive.
  • Forms a Strong Protective Layer: Double Ground Hardwood is particularly advantageous for creating a strong layer of protection. This stems from the fact that hardwood mulch tends to compact more than other similar organic materials. This characteristic can also help with deterring weeds, preventing soil erosion, insulating roots to protect against volatile temperatures (both hot and cold), and retaining moisture. 
  • Long-lasting: If you’re looking for mulch that you won’t have to constantly maintain or replace, double-ground hardwood is a good option.  Nuggets and chips are particularly suitable for longevity, and you may even get multiple years of usage of them.
  • Environmentally Friendly: These days, even making small changes can have lasting impacts on the health of our environment. Converting the makings of trees back into the environment recycles them instead of taking parts to the landfill. 

Mulch Companies Near Me in Thomasville NC Providing Exceptional Double Ground Hardwood Blends

Hollingsworth offers affordable double-ground hardwood blends, at a convenient by-the-yard metric. We’ll teach you more about it, supply it, and deliver it.